Sunday, December 14, 2008

Our friends and fellow farmer's blogs

Jenstar is our best friend. She is a fellow farmer, my (Matt's) running buddy... and just relly, really cool. Nuf said. Check out her blog for some rad pics of all of us and whats going on here:
Thomas & Rose left Maui. Stinks for them. And even more for us. We miss them alot, and wish they were here. They have some cool pictures on their blog that they took when they were here. Check it out:

Oh, yeah and this is a picture of the waterfall a 2 minute walk from where we live... we jump in the pools and swim at the top of it, we don't jump off of it.


Unknown said...

Okay, this post is great 'cuz it shows your friends' blogs. Your friends' blogs are great... It looks like y'all are having too much fun without us.

rose kinsley said...

Thanks for linking our blog. We miss you guys too a lot. Hope you're still having a blast!